Our Team
Joel Dunn is president and CEO of Chesapeake Conservancy, a nonprofit organization based in Annapolis, Maryland, dedicated to protecting the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, 这里是美国最容易受到海平面上升和气候变化影响的地区之一. With global calls to protect 30% of land by 2030 as a climate solution, 十大赌博正规老平台协会使用人工智能和开创性的数据来保护对海湾健康和文化遗产至关重要的景观. Read More…
Sarah Killian, Special Assistant to the President & CEO
As special assistant to the president & chief executive officer, Sarah Killian支持十大赌博正规老平台协会的总裁兼首席执行官推进我们的战略计划目标, key partnerships and the work of the Conservancy. 她还担任董事会的联络人,促进董事会的沟通和会议. Her past work includes serving the president of a living roof and living wall company; community organizing in Massachusetts, Colorado, and Virginia; and managing guest relations for a New York-based fine dining restaurant group. Read more…
EJ Amyot, Chief Operating Officer
EJ Amyot担任Chesapeake Conservancy的首席运营官,将专注于推进该组织的使命和运营规划.
Amyot brings over 18 years of nonprofit operations experience, 他最近在马里兰州中部的The Y担任运营副总裁, one of the largest YMCA affiliates in the United States. Amyot developed and supported organizational strategy, policy, financial health, philanthropy and culture to advance the mission of the Y. 他负责监督马里兰州中部12个Y家庭中心4100万美元的运营预算,并建立了以社区为中心的战略合作伙伴关系和董事会,专注于该组织的青年发展核心价值观, healthy living and social responsibility. Read More…
Mark Conway, Executive Vice President of External Affairs
As Executive Vice President of External Affairs, 马克·康威负责监督该组织在政府关系和社区支持方面的活动. 他与总裁兼首席执行官和董事会密切合作,提供战略方向,帮助团队完成组织的使命.
Previously, 康威是巴尔的摩树木信托基金的执行董事,在那里他负责扩大项目并获得2美元.700万美元来自拨款、公司、个人资助和收入. Read More…
Meet the full programs team
Meet the full conservation technology team
Jody Hedeman Couser, Senior Vice President of Communications
乔迪·海德曼·库瑟是安纳波利斯人,负责监督保护协会的公共和媒体关系. Previously, Couser was principal of River Bay Communications, LLC and press secretary for a Maryland gubernatorial candidate. She served on the cabinet for Anne Arundel County Executive Janet S. Owens as director of communications, 作为美国医学协会(AMA)的公共信息官, 他是全国警察组织协会(NAPO)的传播和发展主任,也是坎伯集团的生产经理. 她拥有Roanoke College的政治学学士学位和The George Washington University的政治管理硕士学位. 她最近担任马里兰州气候变化教育委员会的联合主席, Communication and Outreach Work Group. Couser lives in Annapolis with her husband and two daughters, Labrador retriever and Caribbean potcake rescue dog. 她喜欢旅行,喜欢在切萨皮克湾划船,而且有寻找箭头的本领.
As senior vice president of development and business strategy, 马修教务长领导我们的筹款工作和推广,重点是战略合作伙伴关系, foundations and corporate donors. Most recently, Provost served as vice president, strategic partnerships at the National Park Foundation (NPF), 美国国家公园的官方慈善机构和国家公园管理局(NPS)的非营利性合作伙伴。. In this role, 他支持总统办公室,并与NPS领导层密切合作,探索创新的伙伴关系, 在整个国家公园系统中产生积极变化的战略和商业模式. Previously, 教务长花了四年时间在NPF企业合作团队工作,从事各种赞助工作, licensing and cause-marketing ventures. Prior to joining NPF, he held numerous marketing, 福克斯体育媒体集团和洛杉矶道奇队的媒体和发展职位. An avid traveler, 他去过50多个国家,梦想着在有生之年走遍所有419个国家公园. Provost lives in Annapolis with his two children.
Ellen Gardner, Chief Financial Officer
As chief financial officer, Ellen Gardner负责十大赌博正规老平台协会的财务运作和报告. 她是一名注册会计师,在组织战略方面拥有超过三十年的非营利领导经验, financial forecasting, budgeting and grant accounting. 最近,Gardner是全球会员协会Entrepreneurs’Organization的首席财务官. 此前,她曾担任Community Connections Inc .的首席运营官和首席财务官.这是一家提供全面心理健康护理和住宿服务的非营利组织. 在她的职业生涯早期,她曾在马里兰大学巴尔的摩县担任书店副主任和兼职会计教员. 她在古彻学院(Goucher College)获得经济学和管理学学士学位,并获得管理学硕士学位.B.A. from Loyola College. Gardner met her husband Wes on a sailboat in Annapolis, and they have lived in the area for over 40 years. 他们把自己的孩子培养成负责任的切萨皮克管家,因为他们喜欢露营, sailing, kayaking, fishing and wakeboarding. Gardner和Wes一直是社区的积极志愿者,包括USNA海军军官家庭赞助计划和蒙台梭利国际儿童之家. Gardner目前是SECU的董事会成员,也是三支USTA网球队的联合队长.